Not much to blog about. But I swear... these car shots are like everyday. And I'm not even into cars.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Friday, July 20, 2012
new findings
There are some things I have started to really like about my new city of Boulder, Colorado.
I am quite fond of the farmer's market for one. It's crazy to me that the local farmer's market has brands like Udi's, Noosa, and Papoosa.
(the image found when googling Noosa. This must be the cow that EVERY yogurt container comes from ).
I recently found out one of the best concert locations IN THE NATION is only forty minutes from home. Red rocks amphitheater anyone?
Ingrid, GOTYE, Nora, Pretty lights, Jason Mraz, and Devotchka? That is only for the next month!
Check out the schedule here:
I am also very fond of the grocery store selection. I love Whole Foods, but let's get real, with one bag at sixty dollars this store must be saved for special occasions and sales. What about SPROUTS, ALFALFAS, and SUNFLOWER MARKET? Can anyone say bulk bins? I can. They are my favorite.
More to come! I'm running late!
I would love...
I would love to see:
A Cannes festival selection*
I have a weird obsession with foreign dramas. Depressing thoughtful movies are pretty alright also.
I would love to try:
Baking with Peanut Flour
And making popcorn with nutritional yeast- buttery flavor I hear?
Unfortunately both these things are only at whole foods so I'd better save up.
I would love to make:
hanging flower mason jars
For my new home!
yoga mat bag
for my new practice!
I would love to listen to:
Fleetwood mac tribute album :)
How about you?
Sunday, July 15, 2012
“Namaste; I accept you humanness and mine. And I also bow to the divinity in each of us. I accept our absolute spiritual equality as beings. And I also accept that we each forget who we are.
I celebrate the fact that we are waking up together, and I appreciate the fact that, as each of us pushes up against our fear, we nod off to sleep.I acknowledge both the absolute and the relative, for both are present here. The gentle voice of God and the passionate cries of the wounded child commingle here, in this mind, in this world. Joy and sadness commingle. Strength and tears, beauty and betrayal, silence and cacophony interpenetrate.It is a simple world, breathing in and breathing out, approaching the divine and moving away. And it is also complex in its near infinite variety of forms.Each self is the unqualified presence, yet each must approach God in its own unique way. Within oneness, paradox abounds.Here we dwell together, my brother and sister. Here in the silence, each of us with our unique heartbeat, our own dance, our own call for love and truth.Yet despite the division into bodies, despite the fragmentation of the mind, only one heart opens here. And that heart includes yours and mine and that of all beings who have ever lived in time and space. That heart belongs to God. His patient heart. Her infinite blessing on us all. My wish for you is a simple one. May you find that Heart in your heart. May you find your voice in that silence. May you awaken to the truth of who you are.Sunday, July 8, 2012
Colorado is rad
Since my last post was about leaving Iowa City, my new post will be about arriving in Boulder! I have been here for about a week, and the first couple days were lonely but things seem to be coming along quite nicely now if I may say so. There are a lot of people that are similar to me, and I can't say I do mind!
My home for July has it's own garden and compost center (conveniently located right outside the kitchen window for easy food dumping)
The local whole foods is only a mile away and conveniently located next to Goodwill! How nice that I happened to stop in on half price day and find this tea kettle/water heater for only $1.
I hear in this town you can become a yoga junkie and gets bunch of free yoga at different places if your new. However, I am hooked already on Core Power. Yoga sculpt with weights? Thats steam room + weights + stretching all fit into one hour. Never mind the amount I sweat and breathe in comparison to the regular patrons.
CORE POWER is a national yogie chain, so you should be certain to check it out! The first week is free:)
I tried out a couple local run clubs. Boulder Trail Runners is free and I got to run with three men in there fifties and find a new trail! However, I think I preferred the Boulder Track Club with a little bit of a younger crowd and some people to push the pace!
And alas I've already found some of my favorite spots:
SPRUCE CONFECTIONS is lovely and wireless free to encourage conversation and the arts. I loved this idea!
The Boulder farmer's market was one of a kind! And who knew I would find name brands that are Colorado local like Udi's, Noosa, and Papoosa? Check out the vendors HERE
BEEHIVE GOODNESS has a website a bit under construction but it's where I'm soon to be spending lots of time as a server! Local, organic, French-inspired?! Too good to be true.
I'll be expectin' a stop by when all you blog followers come visit me in Boulder, Colorado!
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
How do you celebrate independence day when you don't yet have any friends, your job hasn't started, and the city has banned fireworks because of local wildfires?
Well there are many ways.
But mostly: you bake away your lonliness and the day gets better.
recipe #1 (my pride and joy)
It is a traditional food among Swedish americans and since my new neighbor is from Sweden, it seemed poifect. Except that she was out of town so I gave it to my roommates who are all gluten and dairy intolerant. (Sorry!) O well. It was a lot of fun to braid and now I have a reason to make more!
BEET chips. If you have ever read my blog before you know I'm obsessed with beets. Beet chips were so easy using only beets, olive oil, and salt! A bit hard to slice thin enough, but definitely possible with persistence!
And lastly, some Berry Oatmeal muffins. Mostly just to at least make one thing that was red, white, and blue. And to snack on. But worth making I'd say!