Thursday, September 29, 2011

Creating Experiences

Something I really love to do is creating a feeling or experience. It can be bad because I get overly excited for little things and want them to be perfect.  But mostly I enjoy this. Here are my favorite ways to make something that is everyday more memorable:

Do something you REALLY love to do. For me this could be going for a short run but I understand most people hate running so maybe painting, or walking, or just being. It will make everything else better afterwards.

Pause. Listen to your favorite song. Resume life.

Burn a candle four hours.

Make yourself a pot of tea.  It can accompany any miserable activity like homework or work and lasts forever.

Do whatever you are currently doing outside. On a blanket.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Sunday DO

What is there to do after a rainy Sunday long run when you are exhausted and 
don't want to do anything? Well.... there's lots!!


Go out to brunch at your favorite restaurant with your best friends


Go to a free movie at the Bijou theatre. (which also happened to be an awesome documentary!)


And then retire home to make roasted beets and homemade granola before taking a hot bubble bath.

Did I mention my roommate made homemade sleepy time tea for us?


Sunday, September 18, 2011


What could possibly be better than your best friend surprising you with a private FRENCH picnic in a pile of pillows and blankets on top of a parking ramp? I don't actually think anything could be better than this:

pellegrino, bread, fruits, cheese, salami, pesto, glove

Meg's brand new/used picnic basket. Crowded closet rawks.

I heart you.

Whoa. Must've been good.


Thursday, September 15, 2011


It feels like fall. OMGeesh. It makes me feel so happyalivejoyful!  All the best things happen in the fall like:

Honeycrisp apples! (o so crisp)

Granny sweaters!

Awesome runs!

not to mention:

tea parties
feeling alive
awesome sleep
brisk breezes
dinner parties

and all these things only HAPPEN in the fall.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Life Rawks

Holy WHOA schnikes.  Life is going by and happening so quickly.  Sometimes I forgot that this life has been given to me, but it is also mine.  It's easy to get in the routine hum drum lull of everyday.  This year we are really livin' life.  One day at a time.  I think it's pretty cool to remember we are nothing and only a mist that appears for a while with no significance, but AT THE VERY SAME TIME we are wholly fully alive and loved and made with a purpose.  I think this beautiful autumn weather has made me all sorts o' thankful. Thanks God!

Some ways I'm gonna live life this week (give it a try!)

Start planning (okay only daydreaming) about my road-trip I AM GOING TO TAKE to NYC next summer!

Go streaking

Try to enjoy every single moment because it will never come again

Write letters to all my penpals 

Donate some shiz!

Lay on the roof with all of my roommates

And mostly just be completely and totally weird and full of life because this life is mine and I don't care if it's totally odd!


My Pantry

Everyone has some things they just always have.  Here is my list of foods I seem to always have on hand. 







Almond Milk


Almond Butter


Sweet Potato

Olive Oil

Sea Salt






A little homemade

Some great things that have (and need to) happen this week:

I have made GOOD food.

Old fashioned birthday cake for my sister's turning 12. (Almond cake batter + buttercream frosting)

I found the perfect granola recipe.

I also found out granola is so easy, and so personalized.  Add whatever are your favorite nuts and dried fruits and it can change every time!

Future creations (I hope!)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Tasting the City

So. It being my last year in Iowa city and all my friend and I decided we will go out for lunch every Wednesday in order that we may taste Iowa City. I think going out for lunch is always more pleasant and much more affordable than going out for dinner.

Our first place was....

Crepes DeLuxe!

It was wonderful! Being in the European mood and all we then decided to have a tea party with gloves! This is easily accomplished by making a pot of loose leaf tea, using teacups and saucers, and getting gloves from your local thrift!

What more does the bucket list hold......?