So a couple weeks ago I bought yeast. About every other day I would look up a bread recipe and then become intimidated because I get scared to make things I have never made before. So I would just bookmark it and close my computer. Then I decided I was going to do it. I made the bread! I found a recipe called "Artisan" bread. It it actually wonderful! I had to create a dutch oven by heating a pot with a lid and then cooking the bread inside the mini oven that was in the big oven. It was total a twenty four hour process with all the dough rising and such. But this is what it looks like!
Also. This is the one thing I can never resist. I think I may like it more than chocolate and it is my guilty pleasure and when I have the chance I put so much of it on any type of bread. Bread and muffins are naked without this artery clogging cholesterol rising wonder.
yum!!! your bread looks delish.