Friday, April 13, 2012


I realized I hadn't blogged for a while so I wanted to, but now I don't know what to write. I'm sorry if this summary of the week seems like a 'dear diary' post.

MAIL: lots of good things showed up in my mailbox this week! Some are a leather bound bible, an adorable iphone case, and a care package from my mom from THE BEST STORE EVER, Anthropologie. Especially nice because I can not afford to buy anything from there myself. It also contained a dozen stud earrings which inspired me to add more piercings to my ears! DREAM BIG.

RUNNING: Last week we gotta get on a plane and fly to California! It was beautiful and awesome there other than the race in which I ran incredibly slow.  Then this week I got sick and stopped doing the workout after one minute (it was 40 minutes). The best option was to sit under a tree on the golf course in plain view of golfers and start crying. So that's what I did. Then I found out my body needs some iron. What a relief!

LIFE: watching the movie 50/50 SO GOOD
listening to this cd Of Monsters and Men
applying for this job backroads trip leader

and reading these bible verses! 
Ephesians 6:10-18- Put on the full armour of God!
Psalm 3:3-6- He sustains!

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