So this weekend was incredibly busy. But SO worth it. I got to experience and live a lot.... even if not one single book was opened in the process (whoopsies!)
From October 8th until October 10th there was a meteor shower taking place so on Friday night (after getting the seasonal pumpkin pie blizzard- yummy!!) my friend Duffy and I watched the shower. It wasn't a real big one or anything, there were only supposed to be 0-15 meteors an hour, but we saw two! So that was still pretty exciting for me! It did not look anything like the picture below.
Then Saturday morning we woke up kinda early (after staying up kinda late : D) and went to the cru retreat called Fall getaway. It was a beautiful misty drive and a great day. We got to hear some great talks, learn about ourselves, embrace the inner holy spirit, sing some crazy good worship songs, AND go hiking and canoeing. We also were almost mauled by a corn plow machine that took down the corn 5 minutes after we were playing in it. Crazy how things work....

Then TODAY was SO BUSY AND TIRING. BUT SO AWESOME!!! I got to wake up and go run some long distances with my best friends and have some good weather and conversations. Plus also my heel bone protrusion hurt nada. frick chyeah. It was a good practice. Then I came home and got read to go pick vegetables at a local farm. Local foods connection is this really great program that I just found that works with CSA to provide healthy vegetables and farm foods (eggs, meats, milk, breads, etc.) to people who do not have food. It is awesome because it is actually allowing the people to get some great nutrition and food that can help empower them! I was able to pick vegetables and help another farmer to clean up her fields. They even let me keep some veggies! How kind.
To find out more please go to
One last great find on the drive today: ( a great road name)