Saturday, October 23, 2010

some thoughts

"Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the sucessive autumns."
-George Eliot October 1, 1841

Isn't it kind of cool that something can be written almost two hundred years ago and still make so much sense today? This week was a big week on the level of stress and anxiety(mostly about the future) and things I will never know of course!! But I realized when I was running with my great friends that all the best things like going on a run or having autumn and spring or listening to music or praying or laughing until your stomach hurts.  All of the VERY BEST things will never go away.  No matter what I do or how much I earn or where I live I can always have the best moments.

I also want to say on of the best things in the world is "hot cranberry juice"  Danielle introduced it to me and it is nourishment for the soul.  So much aroma and goodness.

the end.

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