Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What did you do with your extra day?

February 29th only comes around every four years.  That's why it's awesome. (In scientific reality each day is actually 365 1/4 days, but for leap year purposes we will pretend that one is four years is 366 days!)

I decided today was an extra 'gift day' and got excited at all the great things!

It was my sister Katie's birthday. She is very supercalifragilistic and likes to wear only tutus. Happy 20th Katie... er Happy fifth?

I cleaned the entire track shack and made some ancient happiness tea and coconut granola for my roommates who are all pretty nice! What a good feeling. Get some ancient happiness tea from Gong Fu!

I went to the health fair where they tested my bone density, gave me a gift card to Takanami, and I received a free chair massage!

The extra day provided time to get an Americano at wake up Iowa City, bake sweet potatoes and brussels sprouts, go to Aldi, and run in extreme winds!

I hope you enjoyed your extra day this year!

1 comment:

  1. the haus cleaning/tea + granola making confirmed that you are THE BEST EVER
